Club Nerya is a collaborative community of Nerya solution users. Members regularly exchange information on a dedicated space on the Nerya website, and once a year, a physical meeting is organized at a customer site. This year, the traditional meeting took place on October 24 at the SPSE site. Once again, the meeting confirmed its key role in the development and optimization of practices around Nerya tools and solutions, arousing the enthusiasm of customers.
Discovering the Nerya room on the SPSE site: a concrete and inspiring case study for participants
The day began with a tour of SPSE's facilities, in particular the Nerya room. This is the nerve center of control, where Nerya systems and software combine with hardware to secure and optimize the operation of the industrial site.
“We explained to the participants how we use the software with the installed hardware, which helps them better understand the interaction between all the elements,” explains Pascal Sintes, Safety Manager at SPSE.
Participants were able to discover how SPSE exploits the solutions in its day-to-day activities and processes, giving a concrete example of the system's application. As Nathalie Poudevigne, Executive Assistant at Nerya, points out: “Discovering the customer case directly on site is a great opportunity, giving participants concrete tools to maximize the use of our solutions”.
Sharing best practices in the use of industrial maintenance software for continuous improvement
Club Nerya is more than just a technical demonstration of software suites. It is primarily a forum for exchanging best practices and methodologies, enabling club members to:
exchange ideas on how they work and use the solutions;
discuss their problems;
generate new perspectives.
This sharing of experiences is essential to maximize the use of Nerya solutions, while fostering continuous process improvement. It was at the heart of this day:
“It's really interesting to be able to compare the practices and ways of doing things of different companies, and to be able to exchange ideas with them, so as to be able to challenge ourselves and adapt new procedures. “David Baudet, Research and Expertise Manager at ORANO.
“We've been customers since this summer. I really enjoyed talking to other users of the software and contributing to its future development” Terje Bratland, project manager at ERAMET.
Rich and constructive exchanges between customers and the Nerya team
The Nerya team, always ready to listen, presented the integration of new complementary solutions, while taking care to answer participants' questions. The constant dialogue between users and designers is the very essence of the company and its emanation, Club Nerya. The constant dialogue between users and designers is the very essence of the company and its emanation, Club Nerya, as Jean-Claude Hippomène, CEO and co-founder of the company, reminds us: “Club Nerya embodies our philosophy of a community of exchange and sharing, bringing together our teams and our users in a common reflection”.
The day was also a revelation for new users, many of whom emphasized the benefits of the meeting. It enabled them not only to find answers to their questions, but also to better understand the subtleties of Nerya's solutions, enabling them to make the most of them.
“We are very satisfied with the Nerya team's consideration of our requests and recommendations. They listen very carefully to our requests for improvements, and also enlighten us on other solutions we could implement.” Richard Marajo, Operations Department Manager at SARA.
Real involvement in application development: user voting
Nerya is building a genuine user-designer partnership for efficiency, marked by a direct impact on the development of solutions. In this way, users have the opportunity to vote on tool evolutions, according to their needs.
“Voting on application evolutions is essential for us, as it enables us to orientate the tool, which is shared with all users. This allows flexibility in use and facilitates its appropriation” Lilian Bernhard, 2SE Division Manager at TEREGA.
Working together to achieve excellence in industrial site safety with Nerya
The day was marked by a shared determination to strengthen collaboration, despite the occasional differences of opinion. However, the objective remains to move forward together to offer ever higher levels of safety and efficiency with Club Nerya. A date has already been set for the 2025 edition, with the promise of new discoveries and opportunities for collaboration and innovation!
Become a member of our user community to benefit from a privileged exchange space, take part in our exclusive events and contribute to the development of our solutions.